SHF Annual Report 2022 looks back at critical foundational year for the sanitation economy model

Climate change
Operational since July 2021, the Sanitation and Hygiene Fund (SHF), is the only UN fund dedicated to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Target 6.2, sanitation and hygiene. Working globally and with an initial footprint in Africa, SHF focuses on supporting countries to build national sanitation economies ​​by mobilizing resources to identify, develop and fund a pipeline of investable propositions, thereby driving national sanitation targets​. ​The sanitation economy a​nd the ​menstrual hygiene marketplace, with support from cultural, structural and financial reform, can ​also ​provide opportunities for ​economic and social empowerment for ​women ​and girls. ​
In its first annual report released this week, SHF outlines its vision and the steps being taken to catalyze investment in off-grid sanitation economies and menstrual hygiene marketplaces in six countries in Africa.
As stated by Cecilia Akintomide, SHF Board Chair, in the foreword, "We have known for a long time that the global aid framework needs a rethink and now is the moment to action innovations and ideas for this structural shift. With increasing instances of South-South cooperation and pledges in sustainable development by countries previously seen as traditional recipients of aid, we have before us an opportunity to power a dramatic shift in local investment and finance flows, and lift communities, economies and countries to new levels of growth."
SHF At A Glance 2022